Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Purposeful Acts of Kindness"

over 6,850,000,000  acts
of kindness in one day!
Who could possibly do that,
you ask?
The answer... each one of us.

If each person in the world
did one act of kindness today,
that's the number we'd
be talking about. Just think about that for a moment.
How amazing would that be?
Then imagine if we did it again tomorrow. And the day after that. Can you see where I'm going here? It's not rocket science. It's just plain, simple, kindness. And I know we can change the world with it.

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."  (Lao Tzu)

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or a small act of caring... all of which have the potential to turn a life around."  (Leo Buscaglia)

Two wonderful quotes, one wonderful message... kindness makes a difference.
Believe it. Feel it. Show it.  Believe it. Feel it. Show it.
You know how you feel when someone bestows a kindness upon you... that warm rush of happiness, that flush of thankfulness, that boost of hopefulness. You step a little lighter, your day becomes a little brighter, the world seems a little rosier.  And then, almost without fail, you yourself become the doer of good deeds. It's a wonderful thing. This is what our world needs today, this circle of kindness. Words, thoughts, and actions with the sole purpose to lift and enlighten the spirits of our fellow man. A world tempered with kindness. This is what I wish for my children. It can start with me. It can start with you.

We now have "Random Acts of Kindness Week" and that's pretty cool. But our world is in pretty rough shape, and I think we need to kick it up a notch. I think we need to jump on the 'purposeful acts of kindness' bandwagon and get serious about making our world a better place to be. An act of kindness a day. Something simple. Something meaningful. Something true. The power of kindness is in each one of us.  It does make a difference, it will make a difference.

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Start today. And everyday. Be kind. Rewind. Be kind again.
Don't wait for people to be friendly... show them how.
Give one of your smile's to a stranger, it may be the only sunshine they see all day.
Be kind to unkind people... they need it the most.
You can make any day beautiful with a touch of kindness.
If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all... just smile.
Believe in mankind.
Be thankful.
Be kind above all else.
You might meet resistance. Some people are fearful. Some have lost trust in mankind. Some have never been shown kindness and will not know how to receive it. Some are lost in their daily struggles and cannot see through the darkness. But caring thoughts, words and deeds will win in the end. Everytime.

"Heal the world. Make it a better place." (Michael Jackson)

Keep on keeping on... bArB :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Living Heart Healthy"

A very important word.
Our heart gives us life.

A healthy heart lets us thrive.
Through it flows our life's blood,
giving energy and movement
to our physical being.
It allows us to arise and greet each morning, and surrender to sleep each night.
Our heart is our vitality.
And thus we must take care of it... nurture it... treasure it.
We must live 'heart healthy'.

We need to make wise choices as we go about this business of living. Proper nutrition, moderate exercise, a good night's rest... all essential in keeping out ticker in tip-top shape. Not always as easily done, as said. But we should keep these goals in mind, and try our best to be good to our heart. Trust me, it will be forever thankful and treat us with kindness in return.

There's another side to being 'heart healthy', at least I think there is.
It's a joy thing. A happiness thing. An 'open the windows and let the sun shine in' thing.
In today's world of stress and anxiety, of deadlines and due dates, of being here and getting there... we often don't find that 'happy happy, joy joy'.  Maybe we are too busy, maybe we are afraid, maybe we don't think we deserve it, or maybe we don't know how to find it.
My thoughts on that?

We are never too busy to experience the bliss of a joyful moment... listening to your favorite song on the radio or a phonecall from home, sharing a laugh with a friend or getting a hug from a child, seeing a rainbow after the storm or being the recipient of a smile from a stranger. Let the joy overtake you, even if it's just for a moment. Then repeat, and repeat again.
Don't ever be afraid to be happy, or think you don't deserve to be happy. We will all experience sadness or hardship in our life. Many of us already have. And these difficult
times can be long and seemingly endless. It may feel wrong to be happy. You may fear any happiness will just be taken away. Not so. Each of us deserves to be happy. We were made to be living, breathing, joyful beings. And true happiness can never be taken from us, for it is a feeling we hold deep within us, it is ours to own, ours to keep, ours to treasure.

Joy can be found in the smallest of places, to the largest of lifes venues. We just need to open our eyes, our minds, our hearts. If you find yourself tapping along to a catchy tune... you are enjoying the moment. If you 'Mmmmm' after a bite of a tasty morsel, you have enjoyed a blissful culinary moment. If you hold a newborn child in your arms, you are a part of one of life's happiest moments. If you look back on a memory and smile, you will have experienced a happy, reflective moment. If you live your life in a charitable way, you'll know the joy of giving moments. When you place your hand into that of a loved one, and sense that special connection, you will feel a complete joyous moment of belonging. These 'moments' are happening  in abundance. We just have to capture them.

So, take care of your 'physical' heart. You know what that means.
But take care of your 'emotional' heart too. Let the sun shine in.
When we look, when we see, and when we do... joy is all around.
And it is more than okay to gracefully receive.

Keep on keeping on... bArB :)