Friday, April 15, 2011

"Let Your Spirit Soar"

"Let Your Spirit Soar"  (Inspired aRt by: baRb)

Let your spirit soar... sounds good, doesn't it?
But what does it mean?
Each of us will have our own answer to that question. And our answers will reveal some common threads, yet reflect our own uniqueness.

As I travel through this journey of life, and approach the age of 50, I am really just learning what it is to 'let my spirit soar'. And what a marvelous discovery it is!

I've always been pretty happy with my life. Sure, there have been bumps along the way, a few mountains actually. But those bumps and mountains have brought me to a very firm conclusion that 'LiFe' is good. I know the love of family, have found my soulmate, and my cup of joy runneth over as the mother of two amazing children. Add in the unwavering devotion of one, slightly koo-kie, border collie, and you can color me happy. My life has been nourished, and strengthened, by wonderful people and incredible experiences. Sounds almost perfect, eh?

Well... kinda... yah.
Not perfect in the true sense of the word.
But a perfect life for me. One I wouldn't change.
A strange thing to say, considering the serious health issues I have faced.
Throw in a few difficult life challenges, and perfect does not come to mind.
But... I am who I am because of the good, and the bad.

And here, this moment, is where my journey has taken me.
This is where the 'rest of the story' begins. This is where I'm letting my 'spirit soar'.
Now, I get to see who I am. The person who has been shaped by the love of family, the love of a soul-mate, the love of one's children. The person who has experienced a life of ups and downs, rewards and challenges, doubts and beliefs. I am coming into my own.
Yeah me!

My painting inspired this entry today. I love this painting. I'm keeping this painting.
I found this image while strolling the internet, looking for pictures to tweak my creative brain. The image of the child coming out of the rain, to a place of light and beauty, literally leapt off the page at me. Another individual had used this image to illustrate a moving story of her own. With that in mind, and reflecting upon my own story, I knew I would paint this one day. Now, I have. And it was a deeply personal experience for me. A truly defining moment. I have put a little of myself into this painting. My new belief in myself, my new comfort with myself, and the new excitement I feel about my life yet to come.

I like where I am today.
It's taken awhile to get here. And that's okay. That's perfect.

Thanks for joining me in my thoughts and ramblings.
As I close, I have one wish... that each of you will 'let your spirit soar'.
Get to know you. Acknowledge the journey that has made you who you are.
Then celebrate yourself!
Find your inner joy.
Bring it with you wherever you go.
Infuse it in to whatever you do.
Let it fill your words with grace and humilty..
Allow it to guide you, as you continue your journey through life. 

Feeling blessed to have each of you in my life...
Barb :)

Keep on keeping on... bArB :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, thanks Barb. You do inspire me to "let my spirit soar". Keep up the great inspiration,art and writing. As you can tell it's been awhile since I've read your blogs but when I do I love it and make sure I have lots of time to reflect and absorb your words. I feel that reaching 50 and middle age is the best time of life because hopefully by then you really do know who you are, what you like, and what you'd like to accomplish. A great time to actually enjoy the deeper meanings of life...
