Family- a social unit consisting of parents and children, whether or not dwelling together in the same home.
When you look up 'family' in the dictionary, you can find any number of definitions. Some are way outdated (I found one that mentioned servants!), some are too wordy, others are very basic.
In the end, a definition is just words. I like to view the word family 'a la Grinch-style' ... "maybe family, I think, means a little bit more. Maybe family, I know, means a whole bunch more!"
And 'why' you might ask, would I consider myself versed enough to pontificate upon such a pillar in the world of words? Well, I have 49 years experience of being an active member of my family, 23 years experience being married into my hubby's family, 22 years hands on experience raising my own family, several years experience of being an 'honorary member' of other families, and finally, I have a special group of friends who have become 'family'. So, with this kaleidiscope of 'family experience' to my credit, I will take literary license and muse upon this extraordinary word.
When you hear the word 'family', many images may spring forth in your mind. The stars, and the moons, and all the signs of the zodiac, must have been in alignment the night I was born, for I was given to a loving, caring family, and I have nothing but wonderful images whenever I think of them. From my earliest memories as a little girl, to when I was out on my own and going home to see family was a 'special event', to those fun and exciting days of being a young mom, to my most recent "surprise' visit home, when I think of family my heart smiles, and a warmth washes over me, as I picture the faces and hear the voices of those I love.
Now, before you think "Gee, this nut sounds like she and her family are right out of a Fairy Tale"... we weren't the 'perfect' family. No family ever is. We all come with 'warts and boils', we all have bad things happen to us, we all have disagreements, we all make mistakes. We are all human. But this is where one of the 'not found in the dictionary' meanings of the word 'family' comes in to play. Family accepts you, warts and all! They come to your side when bad things happen. They will forgive after an arguement. They will admit their mistakes and try to learn from them. (But I'll never admit that it was a mistake to wear my fuzzy pink socks, with my red velvet Christmas dress, standing in the front row, at my grade one school concert!) It's that 'love and caring' thing. It binds us together through good times and bad, through thick and thin. It's the 'emotion' of family that no book can define. When you live it, you know it.
Families today are so much more than the tradtional meaning of the word that often comes to mind. (Remember, a definition is just words!) There are adoptive families, divorced families, blended families, single parent families, granparents as parents families, same gender families, and separated by conflict families. All families need to be celebrated. It should never matter if one is different than another. For in reality, and it's really very simple, we are all the same. For family is love. Family is loyalty, tolerance, patience, forgiveness and respect. Family is a place. A place where you feel safe. Where you can grow and flourish, where you can start to spread your wings. It's a place you can leave, and be welcomed with open arms when you return. Family is home. Where you're rooted, and from where you blossom forth. The best gift we have been given, and that which we can give, is 'family'.
My children have been blessed to grow up in a home with both parents, to know the joy of having Grandparents, to have treasured times with Aunts and Uncles, to have cousins to keep in touch with. (They also have honorary grandma's and grampa's, aunts and uncles... all holding a special place in their hearts, too). Their lives have been enriched, and their souls have been nourished, by each and every one. As they reach young adulthood, my wish for them is that they venture into the world with a strong sense of family, knowing they are loved by many, cheering them on as they follow their hopes and dreams, and that they bring love, loyalty, tolerance, and respect, into all of their relationships, new and old.
I am sitting here, pretty choked up as I write these words for you. My family is everything to me, and I am missing the ones back home... particularily at this most special time of the year. But my hubby and kidlets, good family friends, and next door neighbours, will help me celebrate this holiday season, and I am so thankful for them.
As I close for today, I propose this toast. (So grab a glass of eggnog, raise your hand, and say with me) ... "To family and friends, and friends who are family!"
Wishing you all peace and joy this Christmas, and the blessing of health and happiness this coming New Year.
" Merry Christmas Everyone! "
Keep on keeping on... bArB :)
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