Live well.
Love much.
Laugh often.
Six little words that pack a big punch! But what do they really mean?
Here's my take on these wonderful and insightful words...
Live well.
For most of my life, it has been an uphill battle to live in a state of 'wellness'. Unfortunately, chronic and critical illnesses have been my 'companions' for years, taking me on the roller coaster of crisis too many times. The personal and family toll has been huge. At times, it has been a struggle just to live. There have even been times when I've been afraid to 'face another day'. Then I remember those I love, and who love me back, and my mind says 'live'. So I've decided I'm not just going to live, I'm going to 'live well'. I will greet each day with a smile, for each day is a gift. I will look for the positive and say 'no thanks' to the negative. I will grab at opportunity whenever it presents itself, and make the most of the experience. I will no longer be afraid of the 'what ifs', instead embracing the 'whatevers'. I will live for the moment, and make that moment count. I will say my prayers and count my blessings. I will 'live well'.
Love much.
We are human beings, with a beating heart, and we were made to love.
Love the Lord, who gave us life... do it quietly, or shout it from the mountain tops.
Love your self. Be good and kind to 'you', so you can flourish, and accomplish all that life has planned for you.
Love your family. They are an extension of you, and share in your hopes and dreams.They love you unconditionally. They are your personal cheerleaders in life.
Love your friends. The special people who are there whenever you need them, to share a laugh with, who offer a shoulder to lean on, tell you the truth when you need to hear it, or don't when you don't.
Love what you do. Whether working or playing, put passion into whatever you do, and you will find joy and satisfaction in return.
Love your community. This is where you live, where you work, where you raise your family, where you gather with friends. Treat it with kindness and respect. Smile at your neighbours, drive courteously when out and about, thank a sales clerk for their service, support local charities. You get what you give.
Love the world. There are so many problems in our world today. War, famine, violence, disasters, greed and hatred. So many things not to love. But if we could all live each day with love, understanding, and tolerance in our hearts, what a better world it would be. It seems like a daunting task, but one very worthy of taking on.
Laugh often.
Where would I be without laughter? In a very sad place, to be sure.
As the famous saying goes... 'it is the best medicine!"
We laugh a lot in my family. It's one of the things I love the most about us!
Somehow, laughter just ensues whenever we are together. From the sublime, to the outright ridiculous. At times when laughter seems fitting, and at times when it doesn't. (Those times are the best and the worst all in one. We know we shouldn't be laughing, and that makes us laugh harder. Oy! But none of us have ulcers!) It doesn't matter if it's over a good joke, a hilarious story, a particularily funny situation, or just life in general. Laugh loud and laugh hard. It does a body good!
So there you have it.
My musings on six little words.
As this year comes to an end, and a new one is about to begin, I say to you:
Live well. Love much. Laugh often.
Keep on keeping on... bArB :)
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