"Lots of people limit their possibilities by giving up easily. Never tell yourself 'this is too much for me. It's no use, I can't go on.' If you do you're licked, and by your own thinking too. Keep believing, and keep on keeping on." Norman Vincent Peale
I've never heard these exact words before, but I've lived them! And for whatever reason, I think many of you have, too. We give up on ourselves, we give into doubt, we stop trying, we retreat in fear, we forget to chase our dreams. Why?
I don't know for sure, but I have a theory. We are emotional beings, and for that I am thankful. The feelings of love, joy, and peace are heaven sent, and I welcome the sense of warmth, happiness and safety that envelops me when these emotions take hold. They lift me up, and make me feel like I can accomplish anything. But then there are times when we experience doubt, uncertainty, and fear... emotions that can cloud our thinking, pick away at our self esteem, take away our confidence, and bring us to our knees. This is when we 'give up' too easily. Maybe we're too tired. Maybe we're stressed. Maybe we're alone. Our mind plays tricks on us, and we believe we hear a message to 'stop, give up, give in'.
Been there, done that... but refuse to wear the t-shirt!
When I've been at the lowest of lows, (and believe me, there've been a few) I have felt like giving up, giving in. It seemed easier to do. No more struggling, no more pain, no more fear. But here I am. I got through all that, and I know why. I have two things on my side that brought me back from those dark moments... okay, maybe three. I have a guardian angel, as I believe we all do. My angel knows that I still belong here on earth, with many good things yet to accomplish and experience. (I know I am blessed) I have a family that loves me beyond measure. A love strong enough to rescue a tired body and bring it back to safety. (I am doubly blessed!) And finally, I'm just plain stubborn. When push comes to shove, I guess I'm a pusher. It may have gotten me into trouble a time or two when I was a young tot (!), but it has also gotten me through tough times in recent years. Yes, I'm a pusher, pushing doubt and fear into the background where they belong, and letting life take center stage.
Now, I'm all about possibilities. The possibilities that each day holds. It could be something small like a smile from your child, a call from a friend, finding a quarter on the sidewalk, a thanks from a co-worker, or discovering a delicious new recipe. It could be something huge like making a new friend, going back to school, starting a new job, or moving to a new city.
As we arise each morning, the opportunities for possibilities are endless. We must believe that each day holds the potential for greatness, big or small. As my sister said to me today, "Let's walk with an open spirit and let possibilities enter our lives."
Sign me up!
2010 is drawing to a close and will soon be the year that was. A new year is on the cusp, a year with 365 days of possibilities. I plan on making 2011 a good year. In fact, I plan on making it a stellar year! If we believe, and keep on keeping on, it can happen.
"HaPpY NeW YeAr EvErYoNe !"
Keep on keeping on... bArB :) -now I know where this comes from... thank-you Mr. Peale!
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