I remember my very first friend. His name was Bruce, he lived right next door, and we hit it off big time... I think I was three years old. We mostly got into trouble, but we sure had alot of fun! Our friendship lasted a couple of years, and then my family moved away. I made new friends, but I'd always remember Bruce. Tragically, he passed away at a young age. I was sad when I heard the news.
In my younger years, I had lots of friends. Friends who lived on my street, friends from school (a boy friend in Grade 1 !), summer-time friends at the cottage, and skating friends. We all grew up and went our different ways, but isn't it funny how the past catches up with you sometimes? Once, when my husband and I were visiting my 'younger years' city, we were strolling through a mall when a man stopped, looked at me, and said, 'Barbie, is that you?" Shock! It was the older brother of one of my bestest friends from 'the day'. We had a great chat and a surreal trip down memory lane. A few years later, my husband and I were visiting his folks, and had decided to take in a movie. Quietly talking while we were waiting for the show to start, I heard this voice from behind asking, "Barb, is that you?" WHAT?! ... it's another good friend from my past, who I hadn't seen in over twenty-five years! I would never have recognized her, but she said she knew it was me right away... the way I was talking with my hands, and my facial expressions, gave me up! Amazing!
University, work, family, marriage, children, new communities, volunteering, and travelling have all provided me the opportunities for friendship. And usually, these friendships bloom without any planning, or thought, on my part. It just kinda happens. A casual chat, a shared interest, a chance meeting, mutual friends... that first connection is like magic... you don't quite know how it happens, but you enjoy the end product.
A new friend!
Some friends come, and some friends go. A few are 'casual', a few are 'good ones', some are 'close friends', and if you are lucky... you get a 'best friend, or two'!
Don't fret over the friends that have come and gone. It was a time when, for whatever reason, you needed each other and that time then passed. It was what it was, and it was great while it lasted.. Be thankful.
Casual friends are awesome. They pop up here and there, and make life fun and interesting. Remember their birthdays with a call, and always send them a Christmas card.
Good friends and close friends are life's little gifts. Always there when you need them, in good times and in bad. They'll pass up laundry day to go have lunch with you. They'll hold your hand and pass you kleenex after a really, really bad day. They know when you need 'the truth' or when you need a 'softer approach'. Invite these people into your life and discover the wonderment of 'full blown' friendship.
A best friend is a rare find. This is a soulmate. A person who knows you inside and out, who takes you as you are, the 'good and the bad' of you, who no matter where or when, keeps you in their heart. Like the necklace hanging in many a trinket shoppes, a best friend is your other half. You don't have to call or send cards, you never have to 'do lunch', you may never return a favor, or go for dinner and a show.
But... you do. Because you rejoice in having a 'best friend', and you want to celebrate the relationship whenever, and however, you can. This is the 'real deal'.
Like many things in life, friendship comes with risk. But, I'll take my chances...
For friendship brings you joy and laughter, companionship and belonging, worth and purpose.
I'm in. Are you?
Keep on keeping on... bArB :)
You pretty much said it Barb. The 'real deal' doesn't come around too often so cherish it when it does...