A few short months ago, I was in a bad way. Hospitalized with a serious illness, feeling really sick and very scared, it was the worst of times. My husband and children were worried, my family back home were feeling helpless.
But little miracles keep happening to me, and once again I live to tell my tales.
(YeAh Me!) With the never ending love of family, and a few good doctors and nurses thrown in, I am travelling down the road of recovery and singing along to my favorite tunes!
It's been a long journey though, with a few rough patches and some unexpected twists. During a 'not so good week', I received a package from my sister... a heartfelt, sisterly note and, "The Book of Awesome". Just what I needed. Over the next several days, I would scrounge up the energy to make a cup of tea, wrap myself in a cosy blanket, and snuggle up on my big porch chair, to take in the fresh air, the early summer sun, and the pages from "The Book of Awesome". Even though I could only manage a few stories at a time, it was enough to bring a smile, or make me laugh, or bring back a cherished memory.
It was much needed 'medicine'.
I am feeling so much better now. And I keep "The Book of Awesome" on my bedside table in case of "emergencies"... those times when I'm down or dismayed and need some 'first aid for my spirit'!
This got me thinking of all 'the little pleasures' life has to offer. And do you know what? It's an endless list! Really! One little thought leads to another, and then another, and so on, and so forth... So, I'll just share a wild assortment of 'the little things' that bring joy and happiness to me. As you read, I'm sure you'll start thinking of all the 'little things' that bring you moments of joy and happiness too.
Here we go... cupcakes, the smell of bacon cooking in the morning, the big 'Red Box' of
Ganong's chocolates, fresh squeezed orange juice, my Mom's dressing balls, a dish of apple crisp with a thick slice of cheddar cheese, an ice cold glass of milk with a just-out-of-the-oven- chocolate chip cookie, a slab of brown bread and a side of molasses for dipping, one piece of sweet corn-on-the-cob drenched in butter (corn's a no-no for me, but a girl's got ta have what a girl's got ta have!), homemade nuts and bolts with a chilled mug of beer and friends to share them with, spaghetti and meatballs on a stormy winter night, my sister's barbequed pizza, garlic mushrooms cooked in a cast iron frying pan, Digby scallops at Billy's in the Saint John City Market, and olives on celery sticks!
... the warmth of a Summer breeze, the crisp colors of fall, the glistening snow of winter, the fresh air of Spring.
... a crackling wood burning fire, a baby's laughter, jumping into bed with sheets fresh off the clothesline, singing Christmas carols in church, getting a real letter in the mail, picnic lunches in the backyard, walking on a beach and finding the perfect skipping stone, playing crib with my Mom, remembering my Dad, holding hands with my husband, the sights, sounds and smells at a farmer's market, having a movie night with my kids, a sunset, a rainbow.
... a bubblebath by candlelight, a late night swim by moonlight, a romantic dinner by firelight, a good ol' game of hide 'n seek by flashlight.
... any day with family and friends, a good haircut, a backrub, an itch scratched, going on a treasure hunt, photo-op day with Julia, a "luv you Mom" call from Sam, date night with my hubby, a laugh-out-loud episode of "The Big Bang Theory", turning my pillow over to the 'cool' side, remembering all the words to a song, remembering who sings the song, discovering a great new recipe, walking my beautiful puppy 'Heidi' and getting slurps of appreciation, decorating the house for Christmas, finding a new and funky restaurant, a day trip with a girlfriend, a stay-in-bed-in-your-favorite-pj's-with-a-good-book-kinda-day, a dress up night of dancing.
I could go on, but I don't think I need to. You guys get what I mean. Life these days seems challenging at best. However, if we can just remember the 'little things', a bad day can turn good, troubles can be soothed, tensions can be eased, and balance can be restored.
There are so many 'little pleasures' to experience every day. Aren't we lucky?
Keep on keeping on... bArB :)
I didn't realize that you were not well Barb! We have THE BOOK OF AWESOME, nicely within reach in the washroom, cause inspiration and encouragement are needed there, too. LOL. I'm glad you're getting stronger and are sharing your life's little pleasures! Miss you! (-: Russell
ReplyDeleteThe "Book of Awesome" is PeRfEcT for the 'Throne Room'!... a place where much of the world's best thinking is done, to be sure! How's your boy, Dylan, doing? He had the coolest Halloween costume! It's good to keep in touch :) Blogs, email, facebook... more of "life's little pleasures", when they help you stay in touch with friends!