time of the year! And it's my
favorite time of the year.
I LoVe Christmas!
December 1st is soon upon us. And for me, that marks the beginning of the Christmas season. Not the 'media print frenzy, glitz and glamour, tinsel town, buy Buy BUY Christmas' that starts right after Thanksgiving. That's not for me.
My Christmas starts with a little tingling sensation in my heart, usually when I see the first snowflake fall. As the days grow shorter, and the nights grow longer... as fall's crispness turns into winter's sharpness... as visions of 'nuts and bolts' dance in my head... I am ready for Christmas.
From my earliest memories, through my childhood and teen years, as a young woman out on my own, as a wife and then a mother, to my now 'middle years', my love of the Christmas season has never waned. So, what is it I love about Christmas? What makes it so special for me? The answer has everything to do with family, friends, memories, and tradition.
When I was a little girl, my Dad travelled for his work. He was away most weeks, but never Christmas week. And oh, the fun we would have! He would play in the snow with me, making snow angels and fantastic snow forts. We would walk hand in hand about the neigborhood, delivering Christmas goodies that my Mom had made. And my Mom and Dad always made Christmas fun and festive... inviting family and friends to visit, having carol sing alongs, lighting a crackling fire to give a warm and welcoming glow to our home... sharing of themselves in true Christmas spirit. They never missed my school Christmas concerts. No siree! They would sit as close to the front as possible, smile, and wave back at me when I would spot them in the crowd and give a big toothy grin. (And Mom, I still think my pink socks looked beautiful with my red velvet dress!)
Then there is Christmas baking. And Christmas dinner. Mmmmmmmm! Almond fingers, mocha balls, plum pudding and rum sauce, homemade 'secret ingredient' nuts 'n bolts, ginger crinkles, shortbread with buttercream icing and cherries on top, Aunt Phem's sugar cookies, sweet breads, ham pasties, baked glazed ham, roasted turkey with stuffing (real, from inside the turkey, stuffing!), mashed potatoes with gravy, all the trimmings, and pies. I loved cooking with my Mom, learning all the recipes she learned from her Mom. A tradition I now carry on with my children. Food, lovingly prepared, feeds the body and nourishes the soul. Sharing these treasured recipes, with others, at Christmas time, is truly a gift we give ourselves.
Decorating the tree was always special. After Dad put on the lights, the garland was carefully draped around the tree, and then we would start hanging the ornaments. We all had our favorite one. Mine was the pink one, dotted with silver glitter. It sparkled like diamonds. So, so pretty. And then came the tinsel, lovingly hung strand by strand, (no tossing by handfuls here!). In the eyes of a six year old, our tree was magical. The telling of the classic 'Twas the Night Before Christmas', a treat of eggnog and cookies, and then off to bed, for what seemed like the longest night of the year!
Well, tinsel is a thing of the past, and we've resorted to an artificial tree with the lights already attached. But when it is up and fluffed, and our treasured collection of ornaments are hung... it sparkles and shines, ready to receive gifts from family and friends, ready to oversee the gathering of friends and neighbors, and the celebration of the season.
Ahhh, Christmas morning. A time of absolute glee and wonderment for me and my sisters, one of complete chaos for my parents. Little did we know that they were running on mere hours of sleep, having been awake til the wee hours, putting things together, looking for batteries, wrapping gifts, filling and hanging stockings, adding extra touches here and there so come morning, the entire livingroom looked like a fairytale come true. But they always pulled it off, and we were the lucky recipients of their tireless efforts. Every year, since becoming parents, Paul and I stay up late on Christmas Eve, have a fire burning bright, listen to Christmas CD's, wrap presents, stuff stockings, and nibble on home-baked goodies. I so love family tradition. It's a connection to our past, and a gift we give to our future.
And amidst all the hussle and bussle of the season, the visiting with family and friends, the baking of traditional treats, the neighborhood gatherings, the sharing of gifts... there is no better place than a house of worship to experience the real joy of Christmas. Be it a small country church, a little chapel, an inner city parish, or a big cathedral... raising your voice with others, in the singing of carols, and hearing a message of birth, hope,and promise... your spirit will rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas, and you will feel blessed.
Wishing you and yours, peace, joy, and happy memories this Christmas.
Love... Barb
Keep on keeping on... bArB :)
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